Uniting Against Obesity: Spain and Italy Take Action - Madrid Roundtable

Uniting Against Obesity: Spain and Italy Take Action – Madrid Roundtable – Pietro Paganini

I participated in the roundtable discussion where representatives from the food and agricultural sectors, as well as civil society, advocated for a different labeling system than Nutriscore. For the Spanish politicians representing the three major parties – Popular, Socialist, and Vox – there will be no Nutriscore.

The upcoming Spanish government and presidency will support a different Front of Package labelling system than the one advocated by France. Nutriscore is dead – that’s the summary of the roundtable. Italy and Spain join forces to fight obesity and poor nutrition with different tools, starting with education.

Watch my intervention during the roundtable here >>>

Uniting Against Obesity: Spain and Italy Take Action

Here’s a summary of what I presented.

  • Nutritional labels are considered a public policy tool to combat obesity and diseases related to poor nutrition.
  • Obesity and poor nutrition are serious problems that need to be tackled. I presented the numbers on obesity.
  • What are the causes of obesity? A simple label like Nutriscore is not enough to reduce obesity.


  • The EU wants to introduce Nutriscore, but there is no scientific evidence of its effectiveness.
  • I provocatively argued that if Nutriscore is valid, then it should be applied to all objects that contribute to obesity.
  • I mentioned Lifescore as an example. Nutriscore is in the past; it threatens freedom of choice and diversity.


  • It undermines critical thinking. Systems like Nutriscore belong to a totalitarian state, an idea – influenced by Hegel – where science is a tool (not a method) to impose an ideology.
  • I delved into the topics of freedoms, citizens’ critical abilities to make responsible choices, and the role of the state in providing knowledge. I introduced the concept of personalized diets and the future that awaits us.

Want to know more? Watch my intervention here >>>

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Uniting Against Obesity Spain and Italy Take Action - Madrid Roundtable pietro paganini.

Uniting Against Obesity: Spain and Italy Take Action – Madrid Roundtable – Pietro Paganini
