Hands-Off Wine and Beer: Health Yes, Prohibition No! – HuffPost
HuffPost has published my commentary on the proposals to regulate wine and beer like tobacco. A simplistic and illiberal approach that ignores the complexity of the issue.
Hands-Off Wine and Beer: Health Yes, Prohibition No!
The idea of regulating alcoholic beverages with restrictions similar to those imposed on tobacco is spreading, including taxes, alarming labels, and sales limitations. This paternalistic vision is based on a fundamental mistake: it is not the consumption of wine and beer that is harmful, but abuse.
The prohibitionist approach does not solve the problem; instead, it ignores the deeper causes of excessive consumption and shifts the blame onto ancient products rather than focusing on education and awareness. Data shows that harmful alcohol consumption is declining: since 2010, alcohol-related deaths in the EU have decreased by 16.8%, and binge drinking among young people has dropped by 15%.
Wine and beer have been part of the human diet for over 6,000 years and, when included in a balanced diet, can have positive effects. The solution is not to ban but to promote moderation and responsibility. Imposing rigid rules without considering individual complexity is a mistake. Only knowledge strengthens individual freedom and leads to real results.