I am an economic and (geo)political analyst and populariser. Through my research I contribute to structured analyses of governments and business, analyses that are focused on understanding, managing and solving complex situations through content that is timely and pragmatic with compelling messages.
I believe in the scientific method and actively promote the liberal viewpoint and critical thinking. My approach to problems is multi-disciplinary to take them on from a broad perspective and thus develop real solutions free of any preconceived schema and which are based on principles of functionality and common sense.
I am a Montessorian. I am a free-thinker that cannot be relegated to a category, community or group of any kind.
In my free time I enjoy calisthenics and freediving, activities related to man’s essence, to physical well-being and water.
- Visiting Professor for the MPOB-UKM Endowment Chair, The National University of Malaysia (UKM) – (2021).
- Adjunct Professor in Business Administration at Fox School of Business – Temple University of Philadelphia (2015).
- Adjunct Professor in Business Administration at John Cabot University, Rome (2008).
- I am the founder and Curiosity Officer of Competere – Policies for Sustainable Development – a platform of professionals that produces analysis and research to innovate production processes and improve the quality of life and the environment in which we live.
- I am the founder at the Italian Institute for Privacy – Istituto Italiano per la Privacy e la Valorizzazione dei Dati – where I seat in the Board.
- I am Editorial Board Member and Advisory Board Member of The Oil Palm Industry Economic Journal.
- I am in the Board of Advisors of Envent and AIESEC – Italian Chapter.
- I had a Research position at LUMSA – Rome (2006 – 2008).
- I held a Researcher and Visiting Lecturer position at the University of Karlstad – Sweden (2002 – 2006).
- I was the General Director of Fondazione Luigi Einaudi one of the most prominent world-wide Liberal platform for economy, politics and history studies (February 2016 – September 2016)
- I served as Vice President and political officer for the European Liberal Youth, a pan-European classical liberal youth organization, standing up for free markets and individual rights.
- I am the author of Un Anno di Paganini non Ripete Vol I (2018) and Vol. II (2019), Allenarsi per il Futuro (2015), NextPrivacy (2009) e Innovazione: dalle Teorie al Territorio (2006).
- I am a regular contributor for national and international newspapers and media platforms such as Il Corriere della Sera, The Wall Street Journal, The Jakarta Post, The Bangkok Post, La Stampa, Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Fatto Quotidiano, Huffington Post, Formiche.net, and many others.
- I am a regular contributor as commentator, analyst and populariser in radio and TV talk-show on national and international channels and platforms such as RAI, Radio RAI, La7, Mediaset, Sky Tg24, Telelombardia, Al Jazeera, TRT, BBC, and many others.
- I hold a Doctorate in Communication and Complex Organization (2000 – 2004), LUMSA, Roma & Karlstad University (Sweden).
- I have a Master in Multimedia, Technology & Art (2000), Karlstad (Sweden).
- I am a Montessori Kid.